Gundam Zeta Low Poly Art

The Zeta Gundam

Hi guys! I posted a little bit late today because I have something important to do but I did not forget to blog. This is the final lowpoly digital art for our Gundam Collection, next week we will be featuring Ironman. That will be seven days of lowpoly digital art style Ironman so stay tune on my blog if you don't want to miss it. 

The above image is the final output of our digital art for today and below I will show you the tracing process of this lowpoly digital art.

The Tracing Process

The above image is the shape forming process, remember that before working on color you must first trace or form shapes with the use of pen tool in Adobe Illustrator and after that you can now use the eyedropper tool for coloring. 

That's all for today, see you next week for Ironman collection. Don't forget to check my last post I will link it here. Share my works if you like them and follow the blog regularly if you love my blog. Thank you for dropping by and I will see you on my next blog.