NFT Augmented Reality Unicorn in Cardano


The ninth AR CNFT in our Augmented Reality Low Poly Collection. Again I added rarity to make things exciting. I only made 80 copies of this Augmented Reality NFT art. You just need to send 15 ADA on this address (SOLD OUT) to received the NFT. Please do not use EXCHANGE (Binance, Bitrex etc.) when sending payment and use YOROI, DAEDALUS or ADALITE for payment. Once the payment is complete just wait for 30-60 seconds and you're NFT will arrive. Just in case you want another one just send again 15 ADA to get one more NFT. If we reach sold out next payments will be automatically be refunded. Take note that the refund will not be full amount because we need to subtract the transaction fee when we send the refund.

POLICY ID OF AR LowPoly Unicorn:


Step 1

Download and Install the ARTIVIVE APP in your phone.

Link of app for Android users:

Link of app for IOS users:

Step 2

Open ARTIVIVE APP in your phone and tap the headset icon. Make sure you are using headphones to hear the music.

Step 3

Scan the image above using the ARTIVIVE APP.


40 COMMON (Multi Color)

30 UNCOMMON (Glitch)

8 RARES (Moon light Stars)

2 ULTRA-RARE (Spinning)