Low Poly Art - Blue Lion

The Blue Lion

Late post again for today I'm sorry I have something important to do because tomorrow I'm going to Dubai. So I need to pack my things and buy some stuffs for my trip to Dubai. Anyway, going back to our low poly art blog. After my trip to Dubai I will get back to blogging. 

As you can see I already changed the low poly art blog and tweak it a little bit for a cleaner look. Other sections in the navigation bar is not yet ready, I will work on that after my trip to Dubai. For now I will leave this digital low poly art for you guys who are checking the low poly art blog regularly. 

I hope you guys like it and this low poly art is dedicated to the fans of Voltron. That is all for today and I will see you again with a new low poly art blog after my trip to Dubai. Have a great day and thank you for dropping by on my low poly art blog, till next time.