A brand new week to start things fresh! I'm so excited to do this blog post, shout to my boss for giving me three days off. Finally I'm back blogging!
For today I will feature Bowser from Super Mario Bro's as I promise this week is dedicated to the Super Mario fans. Starting with the lazy set up not following the rules of lowpoly meaning no tracing just shape forming using Adobe Illustrator.
Sometimes it's fun to break the rules for a change. After 15 minutes the outcome look like this (picture below).
The eye of King Koopa is visible and after 15 minutes the face of King Koopa is almost complete. Both of the eyes are visible and some detailing on its horns.
After 30 minutes of grinding on my computer using Adobe Illustrator the outcome look like this. The face is complete. I think I need a break grab some food to eat and then resume working on King Koopa.
You think I can finish it straight for 5 hours? The answer is no, take breaks when doing lowpoly art because you tend to rush things if you get bored and the outcome will be really poor. After finishing the face part time to start on the upper body of King Koopa.
Right hand is now visible let's keep pushing until we finish the upper body. It took me 30 minutes to finish the upper body of King Koopa. A little more grinding we will be finish.
That looks awesome now the upper body is complete, both hands are visible now. After the upper body its time to start on the lower body legs and feet.
At last I'm done on the right leg. A little more and we will be done on this lowpoly art. I'm so excited for the final outcome. It will look really awesome!
Finally I'm done! Looks good, hard work pays off. Time to transfer this on Adobe Photoshop for finishing touches and background application. total working time on Adobe Illustrator is at least 5 hours I guess?
The final outcome looks amazing! I hope you guys like this post. I will keep you guys updated on the following days. It's so nice to be back blogging and sharing my art with other people.
Please give me that plus one if you admire my work it really helps me to keep pushing through. Thank you for dropping by on my blog.